Automatic system for measuring residual stresses
by the hole-drilling strain gage method
Automatic system for measuring residual stresses
by the hole-drilling strain gage method
The product range of the MTS3000-Restan system includes a large variety of spare parts: in particular turbines, chucks and different types of endmills.
The air turbine (1-SINTT/1) is a replacement part for all the drilling slides working with high speed drilling technology (400’000 RPM @ 4 bars of pressure). Depending on the measurement’s application, the air turbine needs to be replaced between 40 and 80 drilling holes.
The air turbine can be easily substituted by the user in any working conditions: to increase its life & performance a lubrication procedure is generally suggested.
Depending on the hardness of the metallic material under test and the size of the strain gage rosette used (small or standard size), several endmills types are available.
Particularly three main groups of endmills can be provided:
Also for the electric motor versions, a large variety of endmills are available depending on the material under test.
Centering endmills for the calibration of the optical unit and special chucks are also available also for electric motor versions.
Special feet with strong adhesion force or spare standard magnetic feet of the MTS3000-Restan system are available on request.